International cooperation

iconInternational cooperation

The Slovak national railway undertaking ZSSK CARGO cooperates on bilateral and multilateral level promoting interoperability in the East – West freight traffic. Working together with foreign railways in EU institutions and multilateral working groups ZSSK CARGO outlines future strategy for modern company.

ZSSK CARGO is a member of the following international organisations:

UIC (International Union of Railways):
worldwide organisation for international cooperation of subjects acting in the field of railway transport. UIC focuses mainly on technical aspect of the transport. Technical issues are discussed and solved during the regular meetings of working groups focused above all on: freight transport (long trains, e-communication, technical specification), signalling, research and development, safety and security, environment and standardisation.  

CER (The Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies):
brings together more than 70 railway undertakings, national associations, infrastructure managers or leasing companies. CER represents its members´ interests within EU institutions and other involved subjects putting emphasis on the role of railways as a backbone of competitive and sustainable transport system in the Europe. It co-operates closely with the UIC at the implementation of technical issues into the legislation and at the realization of European projects stressing interests of European railway undertakings. Current topics: fourth railway package, digitalization, noise, safety and security, public service obligations/multi-annual contracts, emissions, equal conditions for different transport modes. 

CIT (International Rail Transport Committee):
brings together more than 216 railway undertakings and shipping companies (members and associated members) that offer their services in the international passenger and freight railway transport. To the main tasks belong application and practical implementation of The Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF) and standardization of legal relations between customers and railway undertaking, between railway undertakings mutually and between railway undertakings and infrastructure managers. CIT cooperates closely with OSJD on common projects with the aim to reach interoperability of legal regimes used in the Europe and Asia in railway transport. 

Forum Train Europe (FTE)

is a European platform for planning and coordination of freight transport timetable and harmonization of train paths allocation.
Main objectives:

  • cooperation on planning and coordination of freight transport timetable;
  • to help with harmonization of train paths allocation with aim to improve rail traffic safety;
  • to create a platform for international cooperation in railway transport;
  • to represent its members in negotiation with infrastructure managers, European organisations and other relevant subjects.

Organization for cooperation of railways (OSJD)
Strategic goal of state transport politics of OSJD member-countries is formation of reliable and effective railway transport system. The policy of OSJD member-countries is aimed at preserving and strengthening of railways position on the international transport markets between Asia and Europe. Ensuring of foreign trade connections and OSJD railways integration in the world transport system is based on the creation of common transport space and concentration of the efforts on the solution of not only common issues, but on particular issues of border crossing stations.

ZSSK CARGO empowering mandate by the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic (MDV SR) covers policy in the area of strategy, transport law and freight transport issues in the Committees of the OSJD.

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