


Čaňa / Hidasnémeti

Working time: Monday - Sunday 07:00 - 19:00.
Contacts: tel.: +421 55 229 6673 Agent of crossing office
e-mail: agentpk.Cana@zscargo.sk
Phyto: unoccupied
Trackside class: D - 4
Veterinary: unoccupied
Restrictions: Closed for consignments of live animals.

In the case of import, transit and export of Class 1 RID substances and objects, the official authorization of Hungary must be obtained in advance. Applications for authorization shall be submitted to the police authorities:

ORFK Közbiztonsági Főigazgatóság
Igozgatásrendészeti Főosztály
Rendészeti Osztály
HU-1903 Budapest, pp. 314/15

It is recommended that the request be made through an agent mandated by a national customer involved in the shipment or via a forwarder. Class 1 RID goods must be accompanied by MAV. The guide is provided by the customer himself.

Cross-border transport of waste is governed by the conditions of Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on shipments of waste, as amended.
According to individual Agreements on cooperation between carriers, other restrictions or exemptions from restrictions at different border stations may be agreed.


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