Certified logistics train

Certified logistics train

This product is intended for customers who utilize the just-in-time logistics method. These trains are given an increased attention and they are ranged among company’s priority trains.

For these trains, ZSSK CARGO has implemented the quality management system and holds STN EN ISO 9001:2016 quality certificate.

Offered services of certified logistics train for the customer

A certified logistics train is a higher priority train that meets the specified quality parameters, with a guarantee of keeping the time of its transport in accordance with the train traffic diagram.

Conditions that have to be met by a freight train in order to be included in the list of certified logistics trains:

  • regular train path,
  • complete train,
  • operational prerequisites for implementation (consideration of Operations division).

To verify the provision of transport services, ZSSK CARGO has defined control and measurement points of the transport process of a certified logistics train. In general, these points are established at the starting, destination and border crossing stations.

In case the train proposed to be classified as a certified logistics train does not have measuring and control points, which are classified as so-called “certified workplaces” and are necessary to verify the service provided, these workplaces must be prepared to fulfill the duty of “certified workplaces” as soon as possible. 

Benefits of the established certified logistics train for the customer:

  • ZSSK CARGO has an agreement with the Infrastructure Manager (ŽSR), where the quality parameters of the train and the ride conditions of the certified logistics train are clearly defined, including the exact time of departure from the starting station and the time of arrival at the destination station.
  • the ride of each certified logistics train is continuously monitored at checkpoints with subsequent evaluation. ZSSK CARGO takes corrective actions if the train quality indicators are not met.
  • ZSSK CARGO guarantees the required number of wagons for loading in case of an initial train on the ŽSR network.
  • For each certified logistics train the accurate train personnel boarding is guaranteed, which contributes to meeting agreed driving times with minimum downtime.
  • a certified logistics train has the highest priority for ZSSK CARGO and has priority over other trains as well as Nex trains.

In the case of a train being included in a certified product, the customer should follow the agreed technological procedures for the proper functioning of the entire transport process of the certified logistics train, in particular adherence to the agreed take-over and delivery times of wagons and documentation provided by the customer (consignment notes and accompanying documents).

If the introduction of a train into a certified product would result in a change in train technology compared to the train timetable and the associated increased train running costs, ZSSK CARGO shall take this into account in the freight transport charges after mutual agreement.

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