SWL and block trains

SWL and block trains

Single Wagon Shipments

This transport system implies transportations of single wagons or groups of wagons (group = 5 and more wagons forwarded per one consignment note) in accordance with train formation diagram. This plan defines a followed route and trains by which the consignment will be transported. Transport of single wagons is designed to cover market transport needs and it is convenient for transportations of smaller number of consignments to various destinations.  

Block trains

The product is designated for customers who need to transport a larger volume of goods. The main benefit of the block train transport is a shorter journey time in comparison with the system of single wagons shipments.

Our customers are offered with the following basic types of block trains:

Direct block train – the train carrying consignments of one consignor from one forwarding station to one consignee to one destination station.

Multiple-section block train – the train carrying the consignment groups of one consignor to several consignees, or groups of consignments of several consignors to one consignee without re-grouping of the wagons to other trains.

Destination-routed block train – the train carrying consignments from one consignor from one forwarding station to several consignees to several destination stations, whereupon the wagons are re-grouped to other connecting distribution trains in the destination station of the block train.

Assembled blocktrain – the train carrying consignments from several consignors and from several departure stations to one consignee to one destination station, whereupon the individual consignments are assembled by regional collection block trains at an agreed station where the block train is formed.



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